CLiKZiN™ Spray-On

CLiKZiN™ Spray-On
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On contains 12.5 g/L dicyclanil, the same proven active ingredient found in CLiK™ Spray-On. At a lower concentration than CLiK™ Spray-On, CLiKZiN™ Spray-On provides the benefit of short meat withholding period whilst still providing protection against fly strike caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowfly including the Australian Green Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) for 6 to 9 weeks. CLiKZiN™ Spray-On offers marketing flexibility; making it ideally suited for protecting sheep intended for slaughter, for lambs following docking or for use late in the fly season.
Key Product Benefits:
- Medium-term protection against flystrike (6 to 9 weeks)
- Meat WHP (7 days) Wool WHP (2 months)
- Protects docking wounds
Pack Size
5L, 20LDosage
Always read and follow the label directions.WITHHOLDING PERIODS
MEAT: 7 days
MILK: 35 days
WOOL: 2 months
Why Choose CLiKZiN™ Spray-On?
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On contains the same proven active ingredient found in CLiK™ Spray-On, dicyclanil. At a lower concentration than CLiK™ Spray-On. CLiKZiN™ Spray-On provides protection against fly strike caused by dicyclanil susceptible strains of blowflies, including the Australian Green Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) for 6 to 9 weeks.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On offers marketing flexibility; making it ideally suited for protecting sheep intended for slaughter, for lambs following docking or for use late in the fly season.

CLiKZiN™ Spray-On contains the same proven active ingredient found in CLiK™ Spray-On, dicyclanil. At a lower concentration than CLiK™ Spray-On. CLiKZiN™ Spray-On provides protection against fly strike caused by dicyclanil susceptible strains of blowflies, including the Australian Green Blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) for 6 to 9 weeks.

Short Withholds Meat WHP 7 days
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On offers marketing flexibility; making it ideally suited for protecting sheep intended for slaughter, for lambs following docking or for use late in the fly season.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On provides protection against fly strike caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies, including the Australian blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) for 6 to 9 weeks with a short meat withhold that allows flexibility in marketing and management options.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On Important Information
Find the information you need to incorporate CLiKZiN™ Spray-On into your sheep management program. Always read and follow the label directions.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On
For the control by prevention of blowfly strike in sheep.
ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: CLiKZiN Spray-On contains 12.5 g/L of dicyclanil in the form of a suspoemulsion.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On provides the benefit of short meat withholding period whilst still providing protection against fly strike caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowfly including the Australian blowfly (Lucilia cuprina) for 6 to 9 weeks.
CLiKZiN™ Spray-On is ideal for protecting sheep intended for slaughter, for lambs following docking or for use late in the fly season.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
The SDS for CLiKZiN™ features first aid measures, handling and storage instructions including recommended PPE, and transport advice. Read thoroughly before use of the product.
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