Pulmotil® (Tilmicosin Phosphate) Collection

Pulmotil supplements the host's defenses, making neutrophils more effective.  

Pulmotil Products and Solutions 

With Pulmotil, seek a solution that fits your unique needs. 

24 hours

Pulmotil is visible in lung tissue, alveolar macrophages and bronchial epithelium quickly.  

Easy Administration

No injections. Easy mixing in water or administration through feed.* Easy start, easy stop.  

*Must be diluted before administration to animals. Use within 24 hours of mixing with water.  

Effective Treatment

As the macrophages degenerate, Pulmotil releases — ready for a new macrophage. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1 Rossow, K.D. 1998. South Dakota State University. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. The American College of Veterinary Pathologists 35: 1-20.  

2 Blais, J. 1994. Intracellular accumulation of tilmicosin in primary swine alveolar macrophages. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  

© 2022 Elanco or its affiliates.  


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