
Baseline brand logo


Operational stress can lead to sow, pre-wean and wean-to-finish mortality, high wean-to-estrus intervals, and higher viability in production. Baseline™ supports the ability of sows and pigs to better handle operational stress.

Set Your Baseline

  • Restore
  • Optimize
  • Respond

Baseline Benefits

Helped the sow and pigs manage challenges and stressors1

Improved sow's and pigs' lifetime productivity and farm profitability1


  • Baseline is a feed ingredient that can be fed to sows in lactation and gestation, along with nursery pigs.
  • Operational stress can lead to sow, pre-wean and wean-to-finish mortality, high wean-to-estrus intervals, and higher variability in production. Baseline supports the ability of sows and pigs to better handle operational stress. 
  • Elanco has identified a biomarker associated with operational stress in sows and pigs. Studies have established the biomarker as a predictive tool that enables producers to understand the risk profile of their herd. By utilizing this biomarker, the farrow to market mortality can be predicted. 

Baseline Product Label

Read the full label for important use and safety information.

The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow the label and use directions.

1Elanco Animal Health. Data on File.

Baseline and the Full Value Pork logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. PM-US-23-1741(3)

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Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2025 Elanco or its affiliates.