
Monteban® is an ionophore that protects Intestinal Integrity in broiler chickens. For growing-finishing swine, Monteban improves feed efficiency and rate of weight gain.
Pack Size:
25 kg
Key Product Benefits:
- Zero-day withdrawal period
- For increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency in growing-finishing swine
- Extended program to aid in prevention of coccidiosis in broiler chickens
For use in broiler chicken and growing-finishing swine feeds only.
Please consult the product label for full dosing instructions.
Proven Aid in Coccidiosis Prevention in Chickens and Improved Feed Efficiency in Swine
Monteban, containing narasin, is indicated as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in chickens and balances digestive system bacteria2 to deliver consistent growth and performance in growing-finishing pigs.
Extending Monteban use into finisher feed keeps coccidiosis under control in chickens through the entire growth cycle. In swine, extended use results in increased daily gain, feed intake and hot carcass weight.1

No withdrawal period is required in broiler chickens or swine when Monteban 100 is used according to label directions.

As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in broiler chickens caused by E. necatrix, E. tenella, E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. mitis and E. maxima, Monteban delivers real advantages in the finisher phase.1

Key Performance Indicators that can help assess product performance showing improved ADG and FCR.1
Usage Information
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand, and follow the label and use directions.
Monteban directions for use:
- As an aid in prevention of coccidiosis in broiler chicken: Thoroughly mix 0.7 kg Monteban 100 premix in one tonne of complete feed to provide 70 grams of narasin per tonne.
- For increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency in growing-finishing swine: Thoroughly mix 0.15 kg Monteban 100 premix in one tonne of complete feed to provide 15 grams of narasin per tonne.
For better dispersion, it is recommended that Monteban 100 premix be mixed with a portion of the ingredients prior to the incorporation in the complete feed being prepared.
Feed continuously as the sole ration to broiler chickens, or growing and finishing pigs from 20-25 kg to market weight.
- Do not allow canines, horses or other equines access to formulations containing Monteban 100. Ingestion of Monteban 100 by these species has been fatal.
- Poultry and swine consuming narasin should not be treated with products containing tiamulin. Severe growth depression may occur.
- Do not feed to turkeys.
- In the absence of coccidiosis, feeds containing in excess of 70 ppm narasin may reduce the performance of growing broiler chickens.
- Do not use this medicated feed for the treatment of outbreaks of coccidiosis.
- Do not use in feeds for swine intended for breeding.
- Not to be used in feeds containing pellet binding agents with the exception of Basfin (0.03%), Lignosol (4%), and Bentonite (2%).
- Do not feed to laying chickens.
- When mixing and handling Monteban 100 premix, use protective clothing, impervious gloves, and a dust mask. If accidental eye contact occurs, immediately rinse thoroughly with water. Operators should wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.
- No withdrawal period is required in broiler chickens or swine when Monteban 100 is used according to label directions.
- Keep out of reach of children.