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Bayticol™ Pour-On Tickicide for the control of ticks on cattle and as an aid in the treatment of ticks on deer.

Key Product Benefits:

Kills ticks at all 3 life cycle stages; larval, nymphs and adult, breaking their lifecycle.

  • Treating all cattle and deer on a property every 3 – 6 weeks will ensure all ticks that attack the host will come in contact with the active, killing the majority of ticks.
  • Inhibits egg laying or renders eggs sterile.

Pack Size

1L, 5L


CattleDose Volumes
Up to 200kg liveweight20 mL
200 – 300kg30 mL
301 – 400kg40 mL
Over 400kg10 mL/100 kg

DeerDose Volumes
Up to 6 months10 mL
Yearlings and adults     20 mL


There is NO WITHHOLDING PERIOD for meat and milk from treated animals.

Bayticol™ Pour-On Tickicide Important Information

Find the information you need to incorporate Bayticol™ Pour-On Tickicide into your animal management programme. Always read and follow the label directions.

Bayticol™ Pour-On Tickicide

Bayticol™ Pour-On Tickicide for the control of ticks on cattle and as an aid in the treatment of ticks on deer.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

The SDS for Bayticol™ features first aid measures, handling and storage instructions including recommended PPE, and transport advice. Read thoroughly before use of the product.

Bayticol™ SDS Here