Food Safety Program

Elanco's Food Safety Program (FSP) helps poultry producers meet food safety chain and consumer demands by minimizing the risk of Salmonella in live production. 

Salmonella Protection from Farm to Plate  

Salmonella prevention and control requires a holistic and integrated approach. The Food Safety Program improves traceability of the egg, offering targeted recommendations and individual solutions to mitigate risk early in production and maximize the safety of your operations.  

A Systematic Process for Improving Food Safety  

The Elanco Food Safety Program (FSP) is a science-based, internationally tested tool grounded in real-world application. The systematic four-step process evaluates Salmonella risks at the different stages of layer, breeder, broiler and turkey production, highlighting where gaps need to be controlled so you can put effective protocols in place and avoid Salmonella infection in your operations.  


Our team of experts works with you on-site to understand and identify possible risk areas that may lead to Salmonella contamination, including general infection prophylaxis, vaccination protocols and operational management procedures.  

Benchmark and Scoring 

FSP identifies, scores and ranks Salmonella risk areas including health and production, climate control and biosecurity. Risks are identified and assessed using an integrated questionnaire and FSP modeling criteria to calculate a total Food Safety Index (FSI) score. All scores are ranked to enable the identification and prioritization of high-risk areas.  

Planning and Training 

The FSI identifies, scores and ranks areas of potential Salmonella risk to your operations. Once risks have been assessed, we supply training materials and review management recommendations with you, identifying gaps in protocols so these can be controlled and corrected.  

Implementation and Monitoring 

To help you keep track of improvement over time and identify where further control is needed, we provide ongoing monitoring focusing on the specific risk factors identified by the FSI. An increased index score reflects the successful implementation of recommended control measures.  

By evaluating the risks related to Salmonella contamination and benchmarking improvement over time, the Elanco Food Safety Program works to systematically reduce Salmonella prevalence among poultry operations and improve flock health and performance.  

Farmer with tablet

Contact Your Elanco Representative

Get in touch with your Elanco representative to discuss if the Food Safety Program is right for you and how we can help you.  

Elanco Headquaters

How to Contact Us

If you want to find out more about our products and services, please contact one of our representatives today.  

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Find more information about how Elanco helps you optimize flock health and supports operational productivity.  

Chicken close up headshot

Salmonella Vaccines

Keep your poultry flock protected against Salmonella contamination with our comprehensive suite of Salmonella vaccine solutions.  

Chickens in coop

Salmonella 360°

Elanco's Salmonella 360° program provides a holistic approach to Salmonella control and prevention, driving food safety at every stage of your operation.   

Farmers looking at field

Elanco Services

Discover our full range of services designed to track and monitor flock health at all stages of the production cycle.