Your solution for sustainable progress and value
UpLook™ provides an understanding of baseline emissions, recognizes emissions drivers and determines actionable steps to help move your business toward value creation via stewardship and sustainability.

A digital platform from Elanco Knowledge Solutions (EKS), UpLook is your solution for measuring sustainability.
Discover customized approaches to track and achieve sustainability goals.
Get started transforming data into insights that drive strategic actions by contacting your Elanco representative.

By simplifying complex calculations and accounting for changes to industry management practices, UpLook helps dairies keep an accurate pulse on operation-level emissions.
The Value
UpLook analyses and results are intended for customers to assess their carbon footprint. This information can create value by:
- Empowering dairies to communicate their sustainability efforts and position.
- Enabling the carbon credit monetization process.
- Delivering data to gain access to new capital and financial terms.
- Uncovering new market access opportunities.
- Unlocking access to grants, government funds and incentives.


By utilizing U.S. cattle feeder data powered by Elanco's Benchmark®, feedlotcustomers can assess the carbon footprint of each lot of cattle enrolled and:
- Empower cattle feeders to communicate their sustainability efforts and position.
- Enable the carbon credit monetization process.
- Deliver data to gain access to new capital and financial terms.
- Maintain and help uncover new market access opportunities.
- Unlock access to grants, government funds and incentives.
The Value
A detailed assessment is generated to understand where greenhouse gasemissions (GHG) originate and how they are classified. This carbonfootprint insight can be used for internal benchmarking, meeting supplierprogram requirements and more.

Our Vision

Ready to understand your baseline? Talk to your Elanco representative today to learn how to enroll your business in UpLook.
Additional Resources
Elanco is committed to the health and success of beef and dairy operations by providing a wide range of resources, tools and products.

Benchmark, Experior, Rumensin, UpLook, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. All other product names are trademarks of their respective owners. © 2023 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-US-23-0910
Not approved for use in breeding animals because safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated in these animals. Do not allow horses or other equines access to feed containing Experior. A decrease in dry matter intake may be noticed in some animals.
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow the label, and use directions.
Directions for Use:
Feed 1.25 to 4.54 g/ton (1.39 to 5 ppm) of complete feed (90% dry matter basis) to provide 13-90 mg lubabegron/head/day continuously to beef steers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter as sole ration during the last 14 to 91 days on feed.
For the reduction of ammonia gas emissions per pound of live weight and hot carcass weight in beef steers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter during the last 14 to 91 days on feed.
Consumption by unapproved species or feeding undiluted may be toxic or fatal. Do not feed to veal calves.
Directions for use:
Growing beef steers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter:
For improved feed efficiency: Thoroughly mix Rumensin to make one ton of complete feed that provides 5 to 40 g/ton monensin on a 90% dry matter basis. Feed complete feed (5 to 40 g/ton) continuously to growing beef steers and heifers in confinement to provide not less than 50 nor more than 480 mg monensin per head per day. No additional improvement in feed efficiency has been shown from feeding monensin at levels greater than 30 g/ton (360 mg monensin per head per day).
For the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii: Feed continuously (10 to 40 g/ton) to provide 0.14 to 0.42 mg per pound of body weight per day, depending upon severity of challenge, up to a maximum of 480 mg of monensin per head per day.
Dairy Cows:
For increased milk production efficiency (production of marketable solids-corrected milk per unit of feed intake):
Total Mixed Rations (“complete feed”): Feed continuously to dry and lactating dairy cows a total mixed ration (“complete feed”) containing 11 to 22 g/ton monensin on a 100% dry matter basis.
Component Feeding Systems (including top dress): Feed continuously to dry and lactating dairy cows a Type C Medicated Feed containing 11 to 400 g/ton monensin. The Type C Medicated Feed must be fed in a minimum of 1 pound of feed per cow per day to provide 185 to 660 mg/head/day monensin to lactating cows or 115 to 410 mg/head/day monensin to dry cows. This provides cows with similar amounts of monensin they would receive by consuming total mixed rations containing 11 to 22 g/ton monensin on a 100% dry matter basis.
Growing beef steers and heifers on pasture (stocker, feeder and slaughter) or in a dry lot and replacement beef and dairy heifers:
For increased rate of weight gain: Feed 50 to 200 mg/hd/day in at least 1.0 lb. of Type C Medicated Feed. Or, after the fifth day, feed 400 mg/hd/day every other day in 2.0 lbs. of Type C Medicated Feed. The Type C Medicated Feed must contain 15 to 400 g/ton of monensin (90% DM basis). Do not self-feed.
For the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii: Feed at a rate to provide 0.14 to 0.42 mg/lb. of body weight/day, depending upon the severity of challenge, up to a maximum of 200 mg/hd/day. The Type C Medicated Feed must contain 15 to 400 g/ton of monensin (90% DM basis).
Type C free-choice medicated feeds: All Type C free-choice medicated feeds containing Rumensin must be manufactured according to an FDA-approved formula/specification. When using a formula/specification published in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), a Medicated Feed Mill license is not required. Use of Rumensin in a proprietary formula/specification not published in the CFR requires prior FDA approval and a Medicated Feed Mill License.
Beef Cows:
For improved feed efficiency when receiving supplemental feed: Feed continuously at a rate of 50 to 200 mg/hd/day. Cows on pasture or in dry lot must receive a minimum of 1.0 lb. of Type C medicated feed/hd/d. Do not self-feed.
For the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii: Feed at a rate of 0.14 to 0.42 mg/lb. of body weight/d, depending upon severity of challenge, up to a maximum of 200 mg/hd/day.
For Calves (excluding veal calves):
For the prevention and control of coccidiosis due to Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii: Feed at a rate of 0.14 to 1.00 mg/lb. of body weight/day, depending upon the severity of challenge, up to a maximum of 200 mg of monensin/hd/day. The monensin concentration in Type C medicated feed must be between 10 and 200 g/ton.