Advancing the beef industry's environmental stewardship efforts
Beef cattle operations are a critical and essential part of a sustainable food supply. Learn more about sustainable beef production below.
The U.S. produces the same amount of beef today as compared to the mid-1970’s with 1/3 fewer cattle.1
What are greenhouse gases, and why do emissions matter?
Sustainable Beef Perspectives
Sustainability is important to beef producers and consumers, and both believe innovation can help improve beef sustainability. Explore the latest market insights on sustainable beef, brought to you by Experior.
Why environmental sustainability matters to the beef industry
The beef industry has an important role in producing safe and nutritious food while balancing economic viability, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Sustainable beef production is about doing the right thing. The U.S. beef industry has greatly reduced its environmental footprint to-date, but remains focused on continuous improvement.
Understanding gaseous emissions from beef cattle
Knowing the realities of the beef industry’s environmental impact is a starting point for addressing consumer demand for sustainable food. But, when it comes to gaseous emissions from cattle, there’s more than methane to consider.
Nitrogen Cycle in the Feedlot
In the U.S., 80% of ammonia gas emissions come from agriculture (plant and animal agriculture).2 Ammonia gas emissions are an environmental concern because of their negative impact on air and water quality.2 A life cycle assessment of U.S. beef cattle production – from birth, including feed production (hay, silage, grains), to packer – estimates that 34% of U.S. ammonia gas emissions could be attributed to beef cattle production.3
A Pulse on the Beef Industry’s Environmental Hoofprint: Sustainability & Policy Perspectives
This panel discussion, moderated by BEEF Magazine and led by Dr. Sara Place, Chief Sustainability Officer of Elanco, explores opportunities and challenges for improving the environmental sustainability of the beef industry from the perspectives of leaders in cow-calf production, feedlot operations and a land conservation nonprofit.
Elanco’s Partnership with Ducks Unlimited
Elanco and Ducks Unlimited (DU) understand that beef cattle play an important role in grassland management and are working together to ensure a more sustainable future for the industry. Our partnership represents the strong bond between environmental conservation and agriculture across the continent.
To emphasize this commitment, Elanco will invest a minimum of $50,000 annually to Ducks Unlimited from 2021 and initially through 2023 to help purchase grass seed in support of the USDA Farm Service Agency’s SAFE program to restore grasslands.
Elanco Animal Health’s newest beef innovation, Experior® (lubabegron Type A medicated article), is approved for the reduction of ammonia gas emissions per pound of live weight and hot carcass weight in beef steers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter during the last 14 to 91 days on feed.
Experior is the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved product labeled to reduce ammonia gas emissions from an animal or its waste.5
Not approved for use in breeding animals because safety and effectiveness have not been evaluated in these animals. Do not allow horses or other equines access to feed containing Experior. A decrease in dry matter intake may be noticed in some animals
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand, and follow the label, and use directions.
Indications for use:
For the reduction of ammonia gas emissions per pound of live weight and hot carcass weight in beef steers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter during the last 14 to 91 days on feed.
Directions for use:
Feed. 1.25 to 4.54 g/ton (1.39 to 5 ppm) of complete feed (90% dry matter basis) to provide 13-90 mg lubabegron/head/day continuously to beefsteers and heifers fed in confinement for slaughter as sole ration during the last 14 to 91 days on feed.
Based on existing information, reliable prediction of the ammonia gas emissions cannot be made on a herd, farm or larger scale.