Tylan® Premix (Tylosin)

Tylan® Premix (Tylosin)
Losses due to liver abscesses can be significant to feedyards and packers with estimated annual losses of $15.8 million to the U.S. beef industry alone.1 Tylan® Premix is a proven, therapeutic cattle feed additive that reduces the incidence of liver abscesses. To support feedyards in managing liver abscesses, Elanco also offers the livercheck service to qualifying customers
Key product benefits:
- Reduces the incidence of liver abscesses.
- A cost-effective tool with a proven ROI.
- Elanco’s liver check service.
- See product label
- See product label
Tylan® Premix is the most efficacious tool available.2

Backed by years of reliability.
Tylan Premix Related Content
Understanding when and how to use Tylan strategically is important. Elanco research reveals Tylan’s proven effectiveness in reducing liver abscesses in cattle.

Knowledge is Power
Unraveling the complexities of liver abscess disease can help us optimize its management.

Smart Strategy Makes a Difference
Strategic use of Tylan Premix can effectively control liver abscesses.

Elanco Liver Check Service
To support feedyards in managing liver abscesses, Elanco offers the Liver Check Service for qualified customers. The liver check service helps producers understand the Tylan Premix difference.
Tylan Premix Product Label
View our product label for important information.

Tylan 100 label
View the Tylan 100 product label for important information regarding proper use.
The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow the label, and use directions.
Federal law restricts medicated feed containing this veterinary feed directive (VFD) drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
Directions for use:
For reduction of incidence of liver abscesses associated with Fusobacterium necrophorum and Arcanobacterium pyogenes: Feed continuously at 8 to 10 g/ton of tylosin (90% DM basis) to provide 60 to 90 mg/hd/d.
Tylan, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.