

Shield your birds and your business with ZoaShield, a zoalene option for coccidiosis prevention and control in broilers and turkeys, and to develop active immunity for replacement chickens. ZoaShield offers a flexible, nonseasonal solution that producers know and trust. It is ideally suited for broilers, turkeys and replacement chickens, especially No Antibiotic Ever (NAE) operations. As a feed ingredient, ZoaShield also offers an alternative to cocci vaccines. Backed by the quality and expertise of Elanco, ZoaShield offers producers another proven tool for coccidiosis prevention and control.

  • Backed by Elanco — Consultative support from our experts can tailor solutions to your operation’s unique needs.
  • Flexible, Non-Seasonal — Lower risk of developing resistance and no withdrawal period gives producers a flexible option which can be used at any time.
  • Non-Antibiotic Anticoccidial — Ideal for NAE operations while also giving conventional producers an additional tool for fighting cocci.
  • Enhances Elanco’s Full Anticoccidial Portfolio — Elanco’s trusted portfolio of anticoccidial ionophores is complemented by our non-antibiotic intestinal integrity products ZoaShield and Clinacox®.

Inclusion Rates: 

  • Broiler chickens: 454 g/ton
  • Replacement chickens: 151-454 g/ton
  • Turkeys: 454 g/ton or 681 g/ton

A Tool From Elanco to Prevent Coccidiosis in Chickens and Turkeys

Coccidiosis is one of the most prevalent and expensive diseases affecting the poultry industry. Investing in coccidiosis treatment for chickens and turkeys is critical to maintaining a thriving flock, especially No Antibiotic Ever (NAE) operations which have limited cocci-control options.

Flexible Option

ZoaShield’s mode of action lowers the risk of resistance development. That, along with no withdrawal period or season restrictions, makes ZoaShield a flexible option that can be used in multiple cycles.

Follow-Up After Strong Chemicals

Use ZoaShield following a strong chemical like Clinacox to maintain improved intestinal integrity and positively impact flock performance.

No Seasonal Limitations

ZoaShield does not reduce the bird's tolerance to heat in warmer months allowing it to be used any time of the year.

Expert Advice and Collaboration

As an Elanco customer, you’ll receive consultative support from a team of experts with extensive industry experience and knowledge who help tailor solutions to meet your bird health and business goals. 

Explore how ZoaShield offers a proven, flexible and versatile zoalene solution that can be an additional tool for use in controlling cocci in your flock.

Learn More About ZoaShield

Get more information on how ZoaShield can help keep your poultry flock healthy.

ZoaShield Product Label

Important use and safety information for ZoaShield (zoalene).

ZoaShield Safety Data Sheet

Information including guidelines for the safe use, handling and storage of ZoaShield.

Fight Coccidiosis with ZoaShield

Contact your Elanco representative to learn how ZoaShield can fit into your operation. To locate the closest representative or get more information about Elanco poultry products, contact us.

Usage Information

The label contains complete use information, including cautions and warnings. Always read, understand and follow the label and use directions.

ZoaShield Directions for Use:


For use in preparation of feeds for chickens and turkeys only. Livestock remedy.

  • Broiler Chickens: For prevention and control of coccidiosis.
  • Replacement Chickens: For development of active immunity to coccidiosis.
  • Growing Turkeys: For prevention and control of coccidiosis.


It is suggested that a mixture of ZoaShield and some feed ingredient be prepared prior to mixing in with the finished ration. This will ensure thorough and even distribution in the feed.   

For chickens grown for meat purposes: 

Use 1 lb. (454 g) of ZoaShield per 2,000 lb. (909 kg) of finished product to produce a feed containing 0.0125% zoalene. Feed containing zoalene should be fed continuously as the only ration from the time chicks are placed in floor pens until they are slaughtered for meat.   

For replacement chickens: 

When used under conditions of exposure to coccidiosis, zoalene will allow immunity to develop adequately to protect against losses due to the disease when the birds are placed on non-medicated feed for egg laying purposes. The following chart outlines the type of feeding program to follow where completely formulated feed is the sole ration:   

For turkeys grown for meat purposes only:  

When turkey poults are reared in confinement and severe exposure to coccidiosis is usually a problem, use 1½ lb. (681 g) of ZoaShield per ton (2,000 lb.) of feed to produce a finished feed containing 0.0187% zoalene. Under the usual conditions of rearing turkey poults, or when turkey poults are on range, use 1 lb. (454 g) of ZoaShield per 2,000 lb. (909 kg) of feed to produce a finished feed containing 0.0125% zoalene. The feed containing zoalene should be fed continuously until the birds are 14 to 16 weeks of age. 


Not to be fed to laying birds.  

Consult a veterinarian or poultry pathologist if losses exceed 0.5% in a two-day period. 

Clinacox Directions for use:

Broiler Chickens: For the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina,

E. brunetti, E. mitis (mivati) and E. maxima.

Because diclazuril is effective against E. maxima later in its life cycle, subclinical intestinal lesions may be present for a short time after infection. Diclazuril was shown in studies to reduce lesion scores and improve performance and health of birds challenged with E. maxima.

Growing Turkeys: For the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria adenoeides, E. gallopavonis and E. meleagrimitis.

To manufacture a Type C medicated feed directly from the Type A medicated article: Thoroughly mix one pound (1 lb) of CLINACOX (0.2% diclazuril) into each ton of complete feed to provide 0.91 g/ton (1 ppm) of diclazuril (use level). It is recommended that an intermediate mix containing one part Clinacox and not less than nine parts appropriate feed ingredient be thoroughly mixed before incorporation into the final feed.

To manufacture a Type B medicated feed and then a Type C medicated feed: Thoroughly mix 200 lbs of Clinacox (0.2% diclazuril) with 1800 lbs unmedicated feed to produce 2000 lbs of Type B medicated feed containing 182 g/ton (200 ppm) diclazuril. Thoroughly mix 10 lbs of the resulting Type B medicated feed with 1990 lbs of unmedicated feed to produce 2000 lbs of Type C medicated feed containing 0.91 g/ton (1 ppm) diclazuril.

The resulting Type C medicated feed should be fed continuously as the sole ration.


Do not feed to breeding turkeys.

No withdrawal period is required when used according to labeling. Do not feed to birds producing eggs for human consumption.

Clinacox and ZoaShield are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.

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