Registered Indications: CLiK Extra Spray-On contains 65 g/L dicyclanil. CLiK Extra is registered for the protection of sheep, either off-shears or with any length wool, against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) for up to 29 weeks and for the protection of mulesing and marking wounds on sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) during the wound healing process. CLiK Spray-On contains 50 g/L dicyclanil. CLiK is registered for the protection of sheep, either off-shears or with any length wool, against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) for 18 to 24 weeks and for the protection of mulesing and marking wounds on sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) during the wound healing process. CLiKZiN Spray-On contains 12.5 g/L dicyclanil. CLiKZiN is registered for the protection of sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) for up to 11 weeks and for the protection of marking wounds on lambs against flystrike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) for up to 11 weeks.
References: 1. Compared to CLiK Spray-On. Refer to registered labels. 2. When used in accordance with label instructions. Elanco, CLiK™, CLiKZiN™ and the diagonal bar are trademarks of Elanco or affiliates. ©2024 Elanco or its affiliates.