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Optimising your cattle herd's potential

We understand how preventing and controlling parasites can maximise herd health, fertility and productivity in cattle.

Cattle management articles

Learn more about how to prevent and control liver fluke, worms and coccidiosis, as well as ectoparasites such as flies, lice and mange mites in cattle.

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Parasite management in cattle at turnout

Information on how to control cattle parasites at turnout for optimal herd health
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Cattle at risk of worms

Managing worms in cattle

Worm burdens can cause productivity losses and affect growth rates in youngstock.

Don't leave liver fluke to chance in dairy cows

Liver fluke in cattle

Find out why liver fluke in cattle is a growing threat, management strategies and treatment options.

Don't leave liver fluke to chance in dairy cows

Liver fluke treatment

Treatment options for controlling liver fluke in cattle.

Flies can cause stress in cows

Ectoparasites in cattle

Nuisance flies, mange mites and lice cause irritation, stress and productivity losses.

Housed cattle at risk of parasites

Cattle housing

Housing is a key time for managing parasites that can cause productivity issues in cows.

Cattle grazing at turnout need parasite control

Parasites at turnout

Parasites at turnout cause stress and productivity losses in cattle.

Calves at risk of coccidiosis

Coccidiosis in calves

Information on coccidiosis in calves

Combinex™ Oral Suspension for cattle contains 7. 5% w/v levamisole hydrochloride and 12% w/v triclabendazole.
Dectomax™ Pour On contains doramectin. POM-VPS.
Fasinex™ 240 Oral Suspension for cattle contains 24% w/v triclabendazole. Legal category: POM-VPS
Flypor™ 4% w/v pour-on solution contains 4% w/v permethrin (cis:trans 80:20). POM-VPS.
Information regarding the side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications can be found in product packaging and leaflets; further information can also be found in the Summary of Product Characteristics.
Combinex™, Dectomax™, Fasinex™, Flypor™, Elanco™ and the diagonal bar™ logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. Use medicines responsibly. Advice should be sought from the prescriber prior to use.

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