CLiKZiN™ Pour On Suspension

CLiKZiN™ Pour On Suspension
CLiKZiN™ Pour On is a water-based, ready-to-use pour on suspension containing 1.25% w/v dicyclanil, for the prevention of blowfly strike on sheep.
Key Features
- Provides 8 weeks protection and contains FleeceBind™ technology for full fleece protection
- Recommended for treatment in sheep 3 weeks post shearing
- 7 days meat withdrawal
Packs available
CLiKZiN is available in the following bottle sizes: 2.2L; 5L
CLiKZiN Product Information
Target activity
Withdrawal Periods
Target activity of CLiKZiN
CLiKZiN prevents blowfly strike in sheep caused by Lucilia sericata. As an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), CLiKZiN stops blowfly larvae developing to the damaging second and third stage maggots, which cause flystrike.
CLiKZiN contains Fleecebind™ technology, which ensures the formulation spreads and binds to the lanolin, providing full fleece protection. Fleecebind spreads to areas covered by fleece, other areas may not be protected, including the feet.
Correct application of CLiKZiN™
Correct application of CLiKZiN™ is essential for optimal protection and prevention of blowfly strike. The animation here shows how to apply CLiK products using the four stroke technique:
How farmers use CLiKZiN™
Farmer Dan Pritchard discusses how he uses CLiK™ to prevent flystrike in his sheep:
Special warnings for use in animals being treated with CLiKZiN
The product is best applied before an anticipated blowfly challenge, or when a blowfly challenge is identified on or in the vicinity of the farm. Established strikes may require a separate treatment with a knockdown insecticide.
It is recommended that animals with dirty back-ends are dagged prior to application. If dagging or crutching is undertaken in the weeks following application, these animals should be re-treated, otherwise protection could be lost.
Do not apply during heavy rainfall, or when such conditions are expected. The resulting wash out may reduce the protection period.
Special precautions to be taken by the person administering CLiKZiN to animals
i). Special precautions for use in animals
ii). Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals. Redness and irritation may develop after skin or eye contact with the product.
• Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.
• Personal protective equipment consisting of synthetic rubber gloves and PVC trousers should be worn when handling the product.
• In case of skin contact remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and water.
• In case of eye contact, wash immediately with clean water. • Always wash hands and exposed skin with soap and water after work.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst using the product.
• It is good agricultural practice to minimise handling of sheep after treatment. If you need to handle sheep within 2 months after treatment, wear synthetic rubber gloves and long trousers or coveralls. If sheep are wet wear waterproof trousers.
Handling sheep in the weeks following treatment:
- Handle sheep as little as possible after treatment as residues remain on the fleece for some weeks.
- If you need to handle sheep after treatment, wear coveralls and Wellington boots. If sheep are wet also wear waterproof trousers and coat.