Blowfly strike in sheep
Blowfly strike is a serious disease affecting sheep of all ages, caused by the larvae (maggots) of the Lucilia sericata greenbottle fly – or blowfly – attacking the flesh of the sheep.
Preventative treatment of ewes and lambs is always the most cost-effective strategy against blowfly strike1. It is vital to regularly check the Blowfly Risk Forecast to check the level of risk in your area, and the Blowfly Tracker to see how many strikes have been reported in your area - and report a strike if you see one.
Controlling blowfly strike in sheep
Being prepared means farmers can take control of this devastating disease by planning their time and resources to suit their farm, to the benefit of the health and welfare of the flock.
How do you compare?
See how you compare with our downloadable PDF – also full of key information, industry discussion, and recommendations for protecting against blowfly.

What is the blowfly risk in your area?
Check the level of risk in your area based on weather patterns, as predicted by NADIS
1. K Lihou, Cost of blowfly strike
2. Richard Wall and Fiona Lovatt (2015). Blowfly strike: biology, epidemiology and control, In Practice 37:181-188 doi:10.1136/inp.h1434.
3. National Farm Research Unit, Blowfly Study April 2018.
***Spreads to areas covered by fleece, other areas may not be protected, including the feet.